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Who We Are

Fairbright Enterprises, Inc.

Our Company, FAIRBRIGHT ENTERPRISES, INC., is a service oriented Distributor and Supplier of equipment and devices in the healthcare and medical markets. Founded and established in 1978, the Company has continuously grown in coverage with the representation of products from distinguished manufacturers in response to the changing requirements and dynamism of the market that it serves.

With installations in hospitals and institutions, both government and private, all over the country, the Company maintains its commitment to provide quality service to its customers by ensuring prompt after-sales service and technical support. With its staff of dedicated men and women, the challenge of providing this basic customer need is more than adequately met.

Today, the Company services and provides products to the fields of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Medicine, Neurology and Neuro-diagnostics, Movement Therapy, Critical Care, Vascular Therapy, Oncology Immobilization and Patient Handling Care, covering the In-Hospital and Pre-Hospital medical markets.

Our desire to meet the ever-changing demands and requirements of our market challenges us to explore opportunities to work with other product providers who want to be available in the Philippine medical market.

Currently representing noted manufacturers from Europe and the United States, Fairbright Enterprises, Inc. with its committed Staff and Employees look forward to servicing the Philippine medical market for many more years to come.

Distinguished Companies Represented
Biometrix Medical
Cadwell Industries, Inc.
Direct Healthcare Group
The Electrode Store
Enraf Nonius B.V.
Marpe Co., Ltd
Orfit Industries
Performance Health
Reck MOTOMed